Laura Sokka

Leading researcher


Ph.D. (Environmental Sciences), University of Helsinki

Docent (Sustainability of forest biomass use), Lappeenranta–Lahti University of Technology LUT

Contact details
Tel. +358 50 476 2057

Finnish Environment Institute
Climate solutions
Latokartanonkaari 11
00790 Helsinki, Finland




I am a leading researcher in the Climate solutions unit. For the past 20 years I’ve been working on different research and development projects in the field of climate change mitigation and environmental assessment. My expertise particularly lies in life cycle assessment (LCA) and other life-cycle based methods. My work has focused on the methodology development and assessment of energy production and storage technologies, circular economy solutions, bioresources and electronics. I have done research on the sustainable energy production solutions in the Arctic.

Current projects

Clean Energy System Transition (REPower-CEST, 2024-2026)

Carbon Handprint of Finland (CH Finland, 2024)

Climate Smart Health Technologies (CLISHEAT, 2023-2025)


Some of my recent publications:

Sokka, L., Kirppu, H., Leppänen, J. 2024. Evaluation of Life Cycle CO2 Emissions for the LDR-50 Nuclear District Heating Reactor. Energies 17(13), 3250.

Life cycle assessment of a new smart label for intelligent packaging. Sokka, L., Välimäki, M., KL Väisänen, K.L., Keskinen, J., Hakola, E., Mäntysalo, M., ym. 2924. Flexible and Printed Electronics 9 (1), 015007.

Räikkönen, M., Sokka, L., Sokka, Hepo‐oja, L., Nordman, S. & Kraft, T.M. 2023. Sustainable Production Insight Through LCA and LCC Analysis of Injection Overmolded Structural Electronics Manufactured through Roll‐to‐Roll Processes. Global Challenges 7(11), 2300015.

Järnefelt, V., Tenhunen, A., Sokka, L., Tuominen, P., Lantto, R. 2021. Circular Bioeconomy: A Path to Sustainable and Climate-Wise (Material) Economy? Bio# Futures: Foreseeing and Exploring the Bioeconomy, 73-94.

Complete list of publications can be found in Google Scholar

Published 2024-08-20 at 14:58, updated 2024-08-21 at 14:03

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