Maria Ojanen

Senior Research Scientist

© Photo:Joel Grandell

Tel: +358 29 525 1044
Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)
Societal change
Address: Latokartanonkaari 11, 00790 Helsinki, Finland

@Twitter, ORCID


My background is in natural resource governance, qualitative research synthesis and science-policy interactions. My current work builds on transdiscipilinary research principles and focuses on designing knowledge co-production processess for contested policy topics and analyzing their effectiveness and outcomes. I am particularly interested in environmental conflicts where science and scientific knowledge are contested. My other research interests relate to citizen science research and developing citizen science research agenda that is impactful and inclusive.


Joint fact-finding as a knowledge co-production strategy in environmental disputes (JOINED) (Academy of Finland, 2022-2026)

FACTOR- Deliberating climate actions. Towards just and knowledge-based climate solutions through public deliberation

Merlin-Mainstreaming Ecological Restoration of Freshwater related Ecosystems in a Landscape Context

PUBS-Public Science for sustainable living environments

Recent Publications

Huttunen S., Ojanen M., Ott A. & Saarikoski H. (2022) What about citizens? A literature review of citizen engagement in sustainability transitions research. Energy Research & Social Science. 91. 102714.

Ojanen M. (2022) How to generate and share evidence effectively? Comparing evidence syntheses and exploring scientists’ challenges in environmental science-policy interfaces. PhD dissertation. Dissertationes Schola Doctoralis Scientiae Circumiectalis, Alimentariae, Biologicae Universitatis Helsinkiensis. University of Helsinki

Ojanen, M., Brockhaus, M., Korhonen-Kurki, K. & Petrokofsky, G. Navigating the science-policy interface: Forest researcher perspectives. Environmental Science&Policy (2021).118,pp.10-17

Tiitu, M., Viinikka., A., Ojanen, M., & Saarikoski H. Transcending sectoral boundaries? Discovering built-environment indicators through knowledge co-production for enhanced planning for well-being in Finnish Cities. Environmental Science & Policy. Vol. 126,p.177-188

Published 2020-10-15 at 14:07, updated 2023-08-21 at 12:58

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