Other publications from ICP IM - L to Z

Evaluations of national ICP IM data and publications of ICP IM representatives

Other publications from ICP IM - A to K

La Porta, N., Valentinotti, R., Minerbi, S., Confalonieri, M., Salvadori, C., Ambrosi, P., 2002. Analisi della biodiversità macromicetica per la valutazione ambientale in Trentino-Alto Adige. Atti del VI Convegno Nazionale Biodiversità, Bari (I), 6-7 set. 2001. (In Italian)

La Porta, N., Valentinotti, R., Salvadori, C., Ambrosi, P., Minerbi, S., Confalonieri, M., 2002. Analisi quantitativa della componente micetica di aree forestali in ambiente alpino. Gredleriana - Acta Biologica. 2, 331-336. ISSN 1593-5205. (In Italian)

La Porta N., Salvadori C., Ambrosi P., 2001. Monitoraggio micologico per la valutazione della biodiversità in due ecosistemi forestali della provincia di Trento. Atti del Convegno Biodiversità e Sistemi Ecocompatibili tenuto a Caserta, Belvedere di S. Leucio 9-10 settembre 1999.

Ladekarl, U., Nørnberg, P., Rasmussen, K.R., Nielsen, K.E. and Hansen, B. 2001. Effects of a heather beetle attack on soil moisture and water balance at a Danish heathland. Plant and Soil. 229, 147-158.

Ladurner, E., Cazzolli, N. 2006. Die Kleinsäugerfauna von Ritten und Montiggl - Untersuchungsjahr 2006, Internal Report at the Forest Department, Autonomous Province of Bolzano, 2006.

Ladurner, E. 1999. Die Kleinsäugerfauna der Standorte IT01 Ritten - IT02 Montiggl. Untersuchungsjahre 1992, 1993, 1996, 1998. Ed. Forest Department - Autonomous Province of Bolzano.

Ladurner, E., Cazzolli, N. 2001. Die Kleinsäugerfauna von Ritten und Montiggl. Populationsökologie und Habitatnutzung, Untersuchungsjahr 2000. Report Forest Department, Autonomous Province of Bolzano.

Laivinsh, M., 1998. Synantrophization and Euthrophication of the Boreal Pine Forests in Latvia. 1. Vegetation (in Latvian). Riga. Latvia.

Laivinsh, M., Lyulko, I. and Frolova, M. 1996. The dynamics of precipitation chemical composition recover. Journal Mezzinatne 6(39):57-66.

Laivinsh, M. and Raisins, A. 1995. Vascular plants of Latvia and Neighbouring Countries. Code List. Forestry and Game Management Institute. Jiloviste-Strnady, Prague.

Lamačová, A., Hruška, J., Krám, P., Stuchlík, E., Farda, A., Chuman, T., Fottová, D. 2014. Runoff trends analysis and future projections of hydrologic patterns in small forested catchments. Soil and Water Research 9: 169–181.

Lamačová, A., Yu, X., Krám, P., Duffy, C.J., Hruška, J. 2012. Distributed modeling of hydrologic patterns at small forested catchment. In: Fernandez I.J., Norton S.A., Wilson T.A. (eds.) Biogeomon 2012, 7th Internat. Symp. on Ecosystem Behavior. Conf. Proc., 148, Univ. of Maine, Orono, USA. (abstract)

Lamačová, A., Yu, X., Duffy, C., Krám, P., Hruška, J. & Farda, A. 2013. Projections of future water-energy-vegetation regimes at Lysina, Czech Republic. In: Stojanov R. et al. (eds.) Global Change and Resilience From Impacts to Response Conf. Proc., Global Change Res. Centre of the Acad. of Sci. of the Czech Rep., Brno, 182-185.

Lämsä, T. 2002. Lumen ja virtaaman muutokset intensiivisen sulamisen aikana Valkea-Kotisen valuma-alueella, Lammilla (Snow and runoff changes during spring snowmelt at the Valkea-Kotinen catchment , Lammi). Pro Gradu dissertation (supervised by M. Starr). Department of Geography, Helsinki University. 86 p. (In Finnish, abstract in English).

Längle, T., Steiner, E., Kirchmair, M., Pöder, R. 2001. Monitoring of the ectomycorrhizal status of trees in two selected forest sites in the Province of Bozen, Italy, in the years 1993 and 2000. Report Forest Department, Autonomous Province of Bolzano.

Larssen, T., 2005. Model Prognoses for Future Acidification Recovery of Surface Waters in Norway Using Long-Term Monitoring Data. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2005, 39 (20), pp 7970-7979.

Larssen, T., Cosby, B.J. and Høgåsen, T. 2004. Uncertainties in predictions of surface water acidity using the MAGIC model. Water Air Soil Pollut. Focus. 4:125-137.

Larssen, T., Clarke, N., Tørseth K., Skjelkvåle, B.L. 2002. Prognoses for future recovery from acidification of water, soil and forest: Dynamic modelling of Norwegian data from ICP Forest, ICP IM and ICP Waters. Oslo, NIVA (NIVA-Report O-21172).

Laskowski, R., M. Maryanski and M. Niklinska, 1995. Changes in the chemical composition of water percolating through the soil profile in a moderately polluted catchment. Water Air Soil Pollut. 85:1759-1764.

Latvian Hydrometeorological Agency, 1998. Environmental Pollution in Latvia, Annual Report 1997. Latvian Hydrometeorological Agency, Riga 1998.

Latvian Hydrometeorological Agency, Latvian University, 1998. Overview of the 1998 studies in Taurene and Rucava (in Latvian). Riga 1998.

Latvian Hydrometeorological Agency, Latvian University, 1999. Overview of the 1999 studies in Taurene and Rucava (in Latvian). Riga 1999.

Laudon, H., Hruska, J., Kohler, S. and Krám, P. 2005. Predicting episodic stream water acidification and recovery in a heavily impacted catchment. Environmental Science and Technology, 39: 3197-3202.

Laudon, H., Hruska, J., Kohler, S. and Krám, P. 2005. Hindcast and forecast of episodic acidification: uning the Lysina catchment in the Czech Republic as a case study. In: Hunová, I., Ostatnická, J., Dostálová, Z. and Navrátil, T. (eds.). Conference Abstracts, Acid Rain 2005, 7th International Conference on Acid Deposition, Prague, Czech Republic, June 12-17, 2005, p. 465. ISBN 80-86690-25-3. (abstract)

Laznik, M. and Butina, M. 2000. Water quality response to the dramatic reduction in the use of fertilisers in Latvia- current situation. XXI Nordic Hydrological Conference. Nordic Hydrological Programme. NHP Report No.46. Swedish Hydrological Council. Uppsala.

Laznik M., Frolova, M. and Lyulko, I.1997. Major ions and metals budgets for two forested catchments in Latvia. Journal of Conference. Abstract, vo.2, nr BIOGEOMON. June21-25, 1997 Villanova, USA.

Lee, Y.-H., Bishop, K.H., Munthe, J., Iverfeldt, Å., Verta, M., Parkman, H. and Hultberg, H. 1998. An examination of current Hg deposition and export in Fenno-Scandian catchments.’4th International Conference B Mercury as a Global pollutant’. Biogeochemistry 40, 125-135.

Lehtovaara, A., Arvola, L., Keskitalo, J., Olin, M., Rask, M., Salonen, K., Sarvala, J., Tulonen, T. & Vuorenmaa, J. 2014. Responses of zooplankton to long-term environmental changes in a small boreal lake. Boreal Env. Res. 19 (suppl. A): 97–111.

Leitner, S., Dirnböck, T., Kobler, J. & Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S. 2020. Legacy effects of drought on nitrate leaching in a temperate mixed forest on karst. Journal of Environmental Management 262, 110338. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110338

Lekevicius, R., Morkunas, V., Mierauskiene J., Sabaliuniene, I. 1999. Genetical impact of antrophogenical pollution for fauna and human. Ecological sustainability of Lithuania in historical perspective. Vilnius, Lithuanian Science Academy, p. 544-570.

Leveika, D. and Lyulko, I. 2000. Hydrobiological investigations in small rivers in Latvia. XXI Nordic Hydrological Conference. Nordic Hydrological Programme. NHP Report No.46. Swedish Hydrological Council. Uppsala

Lindroos, A-J., M. Starr, T. Tarvainen and H. Tanskanen, 1995. Weathering rates in the Hietajärvi Integrated Monitoring catchment area. In: Kohonen, T. and B. Lindberg (eds), 1995. Abstracts. The 22nd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, 8-11. January 1996, Turku, Finland. Åbo Akademi, Åbo. p. 120.

Lindroos, A.-J., Derome, J., Starr, M. & Ukonmaanaho, L. 2000. Effects of acidic deposition on soil solution quality and nutrient leaching in forest soils. In: Mälkönen, E. (ed.). Forest condition in a changing environment - the Finnish case. Forestry Sciences, Vol. 65. Kluwer Academic Publishers. p. 183-199.

Lindskog, A., Karlsson, P.-E., Grennfelt, P., Solberg, S. and Forster, C. 2007. An exceptional ozone episode in northern Fennoscandia. Atmos. Environ., vol.41, 950-958 .

Lischeid, G., Beudert, B., Bittersohl, J., Krám, P. 2008. Impacts of climate change and anthropogenic effects on groundwater quality in the Bavarian-Bohemian crystalline basement. Proceedings of the German Hydrogeology Society Meeting, Vol. 57, University of Göttingen, Göttingen, 56. (in German).

Lischeid, G., Krám, P. 2007. Delineation between natural and anthropogenic impacts on groundwater and stream water solute concentration. In: Rohling H.G., Breitkreuz C., Duda T. et al. (eds.) Geo-Pomerania Szczecin 2007: Geology cross-bordering the Western and Eastern European Platform, University of Szczecin, Poland, 171.

Lischeid, G., Krám, P., and Weyer, C. 2010. Tracing biogeochemical processes in small catchments using non-linear methods. In: Muller F., Baessler C., Schubert H. and Klotz S. (Eds.) Long-term ecological research – between theory and application. Springer, Berlin. 221-242.

Lischeid, G., Krám, P., Weyer, C. 2008. Tracing biogeochemical processes in small catchments using non-linear statistics. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-02740, 2008, Sref-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2008-A-02740, European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna, 1 pp.

Lischeid, G., Weyer, C., Bittersohl, J., Krám, P. and Beudert, B. 2009. Upscaling small basin study results in time and space using non-linear statistics. In: Herrmann A., Schumann S. (Eds.) Status and Perspectives of Hydrology in Small Basins, Landschaftsökologie und Umweltforschung 50: 153-156.

Liu, Q. 1997: Variation partitioning by partial Redundancy Analysis (RDA).Environmetrics.

Löfgren, S. (ed) 1999. Integrated monitoring of the environmental status in Swedish forest ecosystems - IM Annual report 1997. Naturvårdsverket report 5031, 27pp. In Swedish with English summary.

Löfgren, Stefan 2000. Miljötillståndet i skogsmark - Integrerad miljöövervakning - Årsrapport 1998. Stockholm. Dept. of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. Rapport / Naturvårdsverket ; 5071

Löfgren, S. (Ed.). 2001. Integrated monitoring of the environmental status in Swedish forest ecosystems - IM. Annual report 1999. Dep. Environ. Ass., SLU Report 2001:10. 28 pp + appendix. In Swedish. English summary.

Löfgren, S. Vägverkets effekter på mark- och vattenkemin i små skogsområden i sydöstra Sverige. 42 sidor + 3 bilagor.  (In Swedish)

Löfgren, S. 2003. Climate and other factors important for the humus dynamics in lakes and streams. Documentation to the Workshop on Changes in Quality and Quantity of Dissolved NOM; Causes and Consequences, Sørnesset, Atnasjøen, Norway, May 21-23, 2033. 5 pp.

Löfgren, S. 2003. Fluxes of different aluminium fractions in soil and water in three forested catchments in Sweden. 7th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden, June 15-19, 2003.

Löfgren, S. 2003. The aluminium dynamics is soil and water at Kindla, a forested reference area in Bergslagen - results relevant for the soil liming strategy suggested by the National Swedish Forestry Board. Forest soil excursion 2003, SLU, Jädraås September 29, 2003. 8 pp.

Löfgren, S. 2003. Fluxes and dynamics of different aluminium fractions in and between soil and water in three forested catchments in Sweden. Final report, Naturvårdsverket contract no 221 0248 (Archive no:721-4073-02Mm) and contract no Ö-130-01 (Archive no:802-130-01F), 23 pp.

Löfgren S. (Ed.). 2010. Integrad övervakning av miljötillståndet I svensk skogsmark – IM. årsrapport 2008. Dept. Aquatic Sciences and Environment, SLU Report 2010:10, 38 pp + appendix. (In Swedish with English summary)

Löfgren, S. (ed.) 2015. Integrated monitoring of the environmental status in Swedish forest ecosystems – IM. Annual report for 2013. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, Report 2015:8. Uppsala Sweden. 32 pp, 22 appendices. (in Swedish with English summary)

Löfgren, S. (ed.) 2019. Integrated monitoring of the environmental status in Swedish forest ecosystems – IM. Annual report for 2018. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, Report 2019:7. Uppsala Sweden. 34 pp, 23 appendices. (in Swedish with English summary). https://pub.epsilon.slu.se/16519/1/lofgren_s_191217.pdf

Löfgren S. (Ed.). 2020. Integrated monitoring of the environmental status in Swedish forest ecosystems – IM. Annual report for 2019. Dept. Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, SLU Report 2020:6, 28 pp + appendix. In Swedish. English summary. https://pub.epsilon.slu.se/21730/1/lofgren_s_210119.pdf

Löfgren, S., Aastrup, M., Bringmark, L., Hultberg, H., Lewin-Pihlblad, L., Lundin, L., Pihl Karlsson, G., Thunholm, B. 2011. Recovery of Soil Water, Groundwater, and Streamwater From Acidification at the Swedish Integrated Monitoring Catchments. Ambio (2011) 40, 836-856.

Löfgren, S., Ågren, A., Gustafsson, J.P., Olsson, B.A. & Zetterberg, T. 2017. Impact of whole-tree harvest on soil and stream water acidity in southern Sweden based on HD-MINTEQ simulations and pH-sensitivity. Forest Ecology and Management. 383: 49-60.

Löfgren S. and Bringmark L. 2009. Decreasing DOC trends in soil solution along the hill slopes at two IM sites in southern Sweden. In: Ukonmaanaho, L., Nieminen, T.M. and Starr, M. (Eds.) 6th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behaviour BIOGEOMON. Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute 128, Vantaa.

Löfgren, S., Bringmark, L., Aastrup, M., Hultberg, H., Kindbom, K. and Kvarnäs, H. 2001. Sulphur balances and dynamics in three forested catchments in Sweden. Water Air Soil Poll. 130:631-636.

Löfgren, S. and Cory, N. 2010. Groundwater Al dynamics along boreal hillslopes at three integrated monitoring sites along a sulphur deposition gradient in Sweden. Journal of Hydrology 380(3-4): 289-297.

Löfgren, S., Cory, N. and Zetterberg, T. 2009. Aluminium concentrations in Swedish forest streams and co-variations with catchment characteristics. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, doi:10.1007/s10661-009-1027-1.

Löfgren, S., Cory, N., Zetterberg, T., Larsson, P-E. and Kronnäs, V. 2009. The long-term effects of catchment liming and reduced sulphur deposition on forest soils and runoff in southwest Sweden. Forest Ecology and Management 258(5): 567-578.

Löfgren, S., Grandin, U. , Lundin, L., Östlund, M., Bovin, K.,  Moldan, Fi. & Pihl Karlsson, G. 2016. Integrerad övervakning av miljötillståndet i svensk skogsmark - IM. Uppsala. Dept. of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. Rapport / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för vatten och miljö ; 2016:5.

Löfgren, S., Grandin, U. & Stendera, S. 2014. Long-term effects on nitrogen and benthic fauna of extreme weather events: Examples from two Swedish headwater streams. Ambio 43, 58-76.

Löfgren, S. Gustafsson, J.P. & Bringmark, L. 2010. Decreasing DOC trends in soil solution along the hillslopes at the two IM sites in southern Sweden – Geochemical modelling of organic matter solubility during acidification recovery. Science of the Total Environment vol. 409 201-210.

Löfgren, S., Forsius, M. & Andersen, T. 2003. The color of water - climate induced water color increase in Nordic lakes and streams due to humus. Nordic council of Ministers brochure 12 pp.

Löfgren, S., Ring, E., von Brömssen, C., Sörensen, R. and Högbom, L. 2009. Short-term effects of forest harvesting on water chemistry in two boreal streams in northern Sweden – a paired catchment study. Ambio 38(7):347-356.

Löfgren, S. and Zetterberg, T. 2011. Decreased DOC concentrations in soil water in forested areas in southern Sweden during 1987-2008. Science of the Total Environment 409:1916-1926.

Lövblad, G., Persson, C., Klein, T., Ruoho-Airola, T., Hovmand, M., Tarrason, L., Tørseth, K., Larssen, T., Moldan, F., Rapp, L. 2004. The deposition of base cations in the Nordic countries. IVL Report B 1583. IVL, Gothenburg, 42p.

Lundin, L. 2009. Hydrology, element budgets, acidification, nutrient N in a climate change perspective for the northern forest region. iForest 2: 23-25 http://www.sisef.it/iforest/show.php?id=479

Lundin, L., Aastrup, M., Bringmark, L., Bråkenhielm, S., Hultberg, H., Johansson, K., Kindbom, K., Kvarnäs, H. and Löfgren, S. 2001. Impacts from deposition on Swedish forest ecosystems identified by integrated monitoring. Water Air Soil Poll. 130:1031-1036.

Luotonen, H., Hämäläinen, H., Liljaniemi, P. , Koskenniemi, E., & Niinioja, R. 2002. Inter- annual variation in macroinvertebrate communities in a shallow forest lake in eastern Finland during 1990-2001. In: Padisak, J. (ed.), Shallow Lakes 2002,  International Conference on Limnology of Shallow Lakes, Balatonfüred, Hungary, 25-30 May 2002,  Abstracts, Veszprem University Press, p. 150.

Lyulko, I. (Ed.) 2005. Air quality and its impact on environment, 2004. Observational Network Department, Latvian Environment, geology and meteorology agency. Riga. (in Latvian).

Lyulko, I. (Ed.) 2003. Air quality and its impact on environment, 2002. Latvian Hydrometeorological Agency, Observational Network Department. Riga, 2002. (in Latvian).

Lyulko, I. (Ed.) 2001. Environmental Pollution in Latvia. Annual Report 2000. Latvian Hydrometeorological Agency. Riga.

Lyulko, I. 2000. Monitoring programme of water quality and hydrology in Latvia. XXI Nordic Hydrological Conference. Nordic Hydrological Programme. NHP Report No.46. Swedish Hydrological Council. Uppsala

Lyulko, I (ed), 1999. Environmental Pollution in Latvia. Annual Report 1998. Latvian Hydrometeorological Agency. Riga.

Lyulko, I (ed), 1998. Background Quality of the Natural Environment in the Republic of Latvia (observation results under the regional GAW/EMEP/ICP-IM, 1994-1996). Latvian Hydrometeorological Agency. Riga.

Lyulko, I. (eitor-in-chief), 1993. Report of the outcomes of the survey of the sites for establishing the Integrated Monitoring stations in the territory of Latvia, Riga, Latvian Hydrometeorological Agency, 71 p.

Lyulko, I. , Berga, P, Leveika, D.and Frolova, M. 1999 Review of background water quality in Latvia from the ICP-Waters observation results, 1946-1998. Latvian Hydrometeorological Agency.

Lyulko, I., Dubakova, I.,.Frolova, M,., Kovalevska, A. 2008. Effect of transboundary air pollution on ecosystems of Latvia. Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Agency, Riga.

Lyulko, I., Frolova, M. 2005. Comparison analysis of modeled and measured total depositions over the territory of Latvia. In: Hunová, I., Ostatnická, J., Dostálová, Z. and Navrátil, T. (eds.). Conference Abstracts, Acid Rain 2005, 7th International Conference on Acid Deposition, Prague, Czech Republic, June 12-17, 2005, p. 45. ISBN 80-86690-25-3. (abstract)

Lyulko, I., Frolova, M., Dubakova, I. 2004. Assessment of the long-range transboundary air pollution in Latvia, 1985-2003.  Handbook of the 8th International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Conference, New Zealand, September 2004.

Lyulko, I., M. Frolova, 1995. Precipitation chemical composition at Rucava station. In: M. Forsius and S. Kleemola (eds), op.cit. pp.79-83.

Lyulko, I., Indriksone, I., Frolova, M., Berga, P. 2002. EMEP's Assessment in Latvia (1985-2000). Latvian Hydrometeorological Agency, Observational Network Department. Riga.

Lyulko, I., Vasiljeva, T. and Frolova, M, 1998. Ion Composition of Precipitation over Latvia. Joint International Symposium on Global Atmospheric Chemistry. Program and Abstracts. University of Washington, Seattle, USA, August 19-25, 1998.

Maass, M., Balvanera, P., Baudry, J., Bourgeron, P., Dick, J., Equihua, M., Forsius, M., Halada, L., Krauze, K., Nakaoka, M., Orenstein, D.E.,Parr, T., Redman, C.L., Rozzi, R., Santos-Reis, M., Swemmer, T.,Vădineanu, A. 2016. Changes in biodiversity and trade-offs among ecosystem services, stakeholders and components of well-being:  the contribution of the ILTER to PECS. Ecology and Society (in press).

Majer, V., Kram, P. and Shanley, J.B. 2005. Rapid regional recovery from sulfate and nitrate Pollution in streams of the western Czech Republic - comparison to other recovering areas. Environmental Pollution, 2005 135: 17-28.

Malenovsky, Z., Cudlin, P. and Kram, P. 2004. Influence of geological substrate on the spruce decline in western Bohemia: Evaluation of 21 petrologically homogenous catchments on 7 different bedrocks in the Slavkov Forest by the remote sensing methods (In Czech). In: Atmospheric Deposition 2004 (eds. M. Sir and M. Tesar), Institute for Hydrodynamics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 49-56. (extended abstract)

Manetti, M.C., 2002. Tree ring growth by core sampling at the CONECOFOR Permanent Monitoring Plots. The deciduous oak (Quercus cerris L.) type. In: Mosello, R., Petriccione, B. and Marchetto, A. (eds.) Long Term ecological research in Italian forest ecosystems. J. Limnol., 61 (Suppl. 1): 55-61.

Mangoni, M. & Buffoni, A. 2007. Status and trend of ground-level ozone at the CONECOFOR plots, 1996 – 2005. In: Ferretti, M., Petriccione, B., Bussotti, F., Fabbio, G. (eds) 2008. ANNALI C.R.A. – Centro di Ricerca per la Selvicoltura (Arezzo), Vol. 34 (2005-2006). Special Issue: Ecological condition of selected forest ecosystems in Italy. Status and changes 1995 – 2005: 85 – 100.

Marchetti, F., Tait, D., Ambrosi,P., and Minerbi, S. 2002. Atmospheric deposition at four forestry sites in the Alpine Region of Trentino and South Tyrol, Italy. In: Mosello, R., Petriccione, B. and Marchetto, A. (eds.) Long Term ecological research in Italian forest ecosystems. J. Limnol., 61 (Suppl. 1): 148-157.

Marchetto, A., Arisci, S., Brizzio, C., Mosello, R., Tartari G. 2007. Status and trend of atmospheric deposition chemistry at the CONECOFOR plots, 1998 – 2005. In: Ferretti, M., Petriccione, B., Bussotti, F., Fabbio, G. (eds) 2008. ANNALI C.R.A. – Centro di Ricerca per la Selvicoltura (Arezzo), Vol. 34 (2005-2006). Special Issue: Ecological condition of selected forest ecosystems in Italy. Status and changes 1995 – 2005: 57 - 66.

Mathijssen-Spiekman, E.A.M., R. Erven and H.A.M. de Kruijf, 1994. Development of the integrated monitoring area Lheebroekerzand -  the Netherlands. Data of 1990, 1991 and 1992. RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands, 1994. Rep. 673710001.

Mathijssen-Spiekman, E.A.M. and R. Erven, 1995.  The Integrated Monitoring Area Lheebroekerzand - The Netherlands. Data of 1993. RIVM, Bilthoven, Netherlands.  Rep. 673710002.

Mathijssen-Spiekman, E.A.M. and D. de Zwart, 1995. The Integrated Monitoring Area Lheebroekerzand -  The Netherlands. Data of 1994. RIVM, Bilthoven, Netherlands.  Rep. 673710003.

Mathijssen-Spiekman, E.A.M., 1996.  The Integrated Monitoring Area Lheebroekerzand - The Netherlands. Data of 1995. RIVM, Bilthoven, Netherlands.  Rep. 673710004.

Mathijssen-Spiekman, E.A.M. and D. de Zwart, 1997 Evaluation of the Integrated Monitoring Activities executed by RIVM in the framework of the UN/ECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution. RIVM, ECO-note 97-08.

Mathijssen-Spiekman, E.A.M. and M.A.H. Wolter-Balk, 1998 The Integrated Monitoring Area Lheebroekerzand - The Netherlands Data of 1996 RIVM report no. 259102 008

Mathijssen-Spiekman, E.A.M. and M.A.H. Wolter-Balk, 2001 The Integrated Monitoring Area Lheebroekerzand - The Netherlands Data of 1997-1998-1999. RIVM report 607165001. Bilthoven, The Netherlands.

Mathijssen-Spiekman, E.A.M.,Wolter-Balk M.A.H, de Zwart, D., Wortelboer, F.G. 2002. Interpretation of integrated data gathered at the Lheebroekerzand in the Netherlands. RIVM report 607165002, Bilthoven, The Netherlands.

Mayer, M., Pfefferkorn-Dellali, V., Türk, R., Dullinger, S., Mirtl, M. & Dirnböck, T. 2013. Significant decrease in epiphytic lichen diversity in a remote area in the European Alps, Austria. Basic and Applied Ecology 14: 396-403.

McDowell, W.H., Hruska, J., Krám, P. and Aitkendhead-Peterson, J.A. 2005. Long-term changes in DOC in two Czech watersheds - why aren't there any? In: Hunová, I., Ostatnická, J., Dostálová, Z. and Navrátil, T. (eds.). Conference Abstracts, Acid Rain 2005, 7th International Conference on Acid Deposition, Prague, Czech Republic, June 12-17, 2005, p. 347. ISBN 80-86690-25-3. (abstract)

McGivney, E., Gustafsson, J.P., Belyazid, S., Zetterberg, T. & Löfgren, S. 2019. Assessing the impact of acid rain and forest harvest intensity with the HD-MINTEQ model – soil chemistry of three Swedish conifer sites from 1880 to 2080. SOIL 5:63–77. https://doi.org/10.5194/soil-5-63-2019
Meili, M., Bishop, K., Bringmark, L., Johansson, K. & Munthe, J. 2004. Modelling and mapping critical levels of atmospheric mercury pollution in forest and lake ecosystems. In: Horvath, M. et al (eds.).  Mercury as a Global Pollutant. RMZ - Materials and Geoenvironment, Ljubljana 51 (1), 1206-1208 (extended abstract)

Meili, M., Bishop, K., Bringmark, L., Johansson, L., Munthe, J., Sverdrup, H. and de Vries, W. 2003. Critical levels of atmospheric pollution - criteria and concepts for operational modelling of mercury in forest and lake ecosystems. The Science of the Total Environment 304:83-106.

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Published 2013-06-07 at 8:56, updated 2023-06-06 at 18:09

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