Want to discuss new things about AI and machine learning in nature conservation and research?
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The Finnish Environment Institute SYKE and the Finnish Museum of Natural History Luomus organize a second webinar together around the topics of the use of AI and machine learning in nature conservation and monitoring, research, collections work, and environmental management.
The meeting will be held online in Teams and is open to everyone. The presentation will be held in English, but questions and comments may also be given in Finnish.
Link to the first webinar (in May 2021) with a video recording
Link to the new Teams webinar: Teams link
12:30 Aino Juslén: Opening words
Instructions: Eeva-Maria Tidenberg
12:40 Vuokko Heikinheimo: Exploring human activities in nature using social media photographs and computer vision
12:55 Louise Forsblom: Species distribution modelling of aquatic species using Boosted Regression Trees
13:10 Mikko Heikkinen: Machine learning for anyone - analyzing text and data
13:25 Tommi Mononen: An active learning approach to analyzing camera trap data
13:40 Alessandro Zito: DNA barcoding methods and new species identification: an algorithmic comparison
Short break (20 min), serve coffee to yourself ;)
Laura Ruotsalainen:Deep learning based modelling for sustainability
14:30 Laura Uusitalo: Dynamic Bayesian networks in detecting environmental change
14:45 Laura Kaikkonen: Bayesian Networks for environmental risk assessment
15:00 Nitin Sawhney: Ethics in Urban and Environmental AI: Engaging Global South & Indigenous Perspectives
15:15 Theun Karelse: AI and wild animals, the role of indigenous knowledge, and prototyping in-situ
15:30 Otso Ovaskainen: Synthesis
Discussion Link to the new Teams webinar: Teams link Link to a recording: part 1 & part 2