Jaakko Ilvonen
Content page | Published: 2023-02-22

Coordinator (PhD, ecology, University of Turku)       Contact information email: firstname.surname@syke.fi Phone: +358 505 020 272 Finnish......

Experts > Jaakko Ilvonen
Sustainable niche for farmed animals in food systems (SustAnimalFood)
Project | Published: 2023-01-04

The project challenges the contemporary paradigm of production and consumption of farmed animals as departing from its sustainable niche. Current food systems are clearly unsustainable in terms of pl...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Sustainable niche for farmed animals in food systems (SustAnimalFood)
Dissertation: Micro- and mesoplastics in the northern Baltic Sea: their fate in the seafloor and effects on benthic fauna
Press release | Published: 2021-09-07

In her doctoral dissertation, Pinja Näkki, a researcher at the Finnish Environment Institute, has studied risks that organisms such as bivalves living on the seafloor face from microplastics. As much ......

Same content on several places:
Current > Dissertation: Micro- and mesoplastics in the northern Baltic Sea: their fate in the seafloor and effects on benthic fauna
Current > Press releases > Dissertation: Micro- and mesoplastics in the northern Baltic Sea: their fate in the seafloor and effects on benthic fauna
Research & development > Sea > Dissertation: Micro- and mesoplastics in the northern Baltic Sea: their fate in the seafloor and effects on benthic fauna
Doctoral dissertation “Ant community structure in successional mosaics of boreal forests"
Press release | Published: 2020-06-05

MSc Pekka Punttila will defend his doctoral dissertation entitled “Ant community structure in successional mosaics of boreal forests " at the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Universi......

Same content on several places:
Current > Doctoral dissertation “Ant community structure in successional mosaics of boreal forests"
Current > Press releases > Doctoral dissertation “Ant community structure in successional mosaics of boreal forests"
Research & development > Nature > Doctoral dissertation “Ant community structure in successional mosaics of boreal forests"
Research & development > Nature > Monitoring > Doctoral dissertation “Ant community structure in successional mosaics of boreal forests"
Research & development > Nature > Specialist work > Doctoral dissertation “Ant community structure in successional mosaics of boreal forests"
Hymenoptera threatened by overgrowth
Press release | Published: 2019-08-21

Species in our country's largest order of insects are increasingly under threat. In an assessment of threatened species made public in the spring, about 16 % of our species of Hymenoptera were assesse......

Same content on several places:
Current > Hymenoptera threatened by overgrowth
Current > Press releases > Hymenoptera threatened by overgrowth
Research & development > Nature > Hymenoptera threatened by overgrowth
Research & development > Nature > Monitoring > Hymenoptera threatened by overgrowth
Research & development > Nature > Specialist work > Hymenoptera threatened by overgrowth
New estimate - every ninth species in Finland is threatened
Press release | Published: 2019-03-08

A new assessment of threatened species indicates an increasing loss of biodiversity in Finnish nature. Of the 22 000 species evaluated, 11.9% were classified as threatened, compared to 10.5% in the pr......

Same content on several places:
Current > New estimate - every ninth species in Finland is threatened
Current > Press releases > New estimate - every ninth species in Finland is threatened
Research & development > Nature > Monitoring > New estimate - every ninth species in Finland is threatened
Research & development > Nature > New estimate - every ninth species in Finland is threatened
Research & development > Nature > Specialist work > New estimate - every ninth species in Finland is threatened
The species expert groups in Finland
Content page | Published: 2022-06-13

The protection and management of species in Finland are administered by expert groups for different species and species groups. Members include researchers, environmental administration experts ...

Research & development > Nature > The species expert groups in Finland
Number of threatened mammal species decreased in Finland
Press release | Published: 2016-01-25

The number of threatened mammal species decreased by four compared to the previous evaluation. No species were found to be more threatened than before. Conversely, four species, namely the European be......

Same content on several places:
Current > Press releases > Number of threatened mammal species decreased in Finland
Research & development > Nature > Monitoring > Number of threatened mammal species decreased in Finland
Research & development > Nature > Number of threatened mammal species decreased in Finland
Research & development > Nature > Specialist work > Number of threatened mammal species decreased in Finland
Content page | Published: 2022-09-08

Monitoring activities related to the theme generate basic information on the current state of species and their habitats, all over Finland. SYKE gathers observations pertaining to cormorants, barnacl...

Research & development > Nature > Monitoring