Jaakko Ilvonen
Content page | Published: 2023-02-22

Coordinator (PhD, ecology, University of Turku)       Contact information email: firstname.surname@syke.fi Phone: +358 505 020 272 Finnish......

Experts > Jaakko Ilvonen
Finnish Environment Institute coordinates a UN Science Summit session on standardising the use of eDNA methods in biological monitoring
News | Published: 2022-09-07

The observed global loss of biodiversity has severe implications for human wellbeing and compounds the negative aspects of global climate change. Data from biological monitoring is the primary source ......

Same content on several places:
Current > Finnish Environment Institute coordinates a UN Science Summit session on standardising the use of eDNA methods in biological monitoring
Current > News > Finnish Environment Institute coordinates a UN Science Summit session on standardising the use of eDNA methods in biological monitoring
Butterflies and moths have difficulty adjusting to a rapidly changing climate
News | Published: 2021-06-10

Climate change exerts great pressure for change on species and biodiversity. A recent study conducted by the University of Helsinki and the Finnish Environment Institute indicates that the few moth an......

Same content on several places:
Current > Butterflies and moths have difficulty adjusting to a rapidly changing climate
Current > News > Butterflies and moths have difficulty adjusting to a rapidly changing climate
Research & development > Nature > Butterflies and moths have difficulty adjusting to a rapidly changing climate
Research & development > Nature > Monitoring > Butterflies and moths have difficulty adjusting to a rapidly changing climate
Research & development > Nature > Specialist work > Butterflies and moths have difficulty adjusting to a rapidly changing climate
Ninni Mikkonen
Content page | Published: 2020-09-14

Coordinator, MS, Ecology Doctoral Researcher, Department of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki firstname.lastname@syke.fi Tel. +358 295 251 890 /......

Experts > Ninni Mikkonen
Montenegro - Natura 2000: Establishment of Natura 2000 network (EC/EuropeAid, 2016-2019)
Project | Published: 2020-01-08

Project Description The objective of the project was to carry out all necessary activities to start with laying foundations, including extensive field mapping and data gathering, of future Natur...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Montenegro - Natura 2000: Establishment of Natura 2000 network (EC/EuropeAid, 2016-2019)
Hymenoptera threatened by overgrowth
Press release | Published: 2019-08-21

Species in our country's largest order of insects are increasingly under threat. In an assessment of threatened species made public in the spring, about 16 % of our species of Hymenoptera were assesse......

Same content on several places:
Current > Hymenoptera threatened by overgrowth
Current > Press releases > Hymenoptera threatened by overgrowth
Research & development > Nature > Hymenoptera threatened by overgrowth
Research & development > Nature > Monitoring > Hymenoptera threatened by overgrowth
Research & development > Nature > Specialist work > Hymenoptera threatened by overgrowth
New estimate - every ninth species in Finland is threatened
Press release | Published: 2019-03-08

A new assessment of threatened species indicates an increasing loss of biodiversity in Finnish nature. Of the 22 000 species evaluated, 11.9% were classified as threatened, compared to 10.5% in the pr......

Same content on several places:
Current > New estimate - every ninth species in Finland is threatened
Current > Press releases > New estimate - every ninth species in Finland is threatened
Research & development > Nature > Monitoring > New estimate - every ninth species in Finland is threatened
Research & development > Nature > New estimate - every ninth species in Finland is threatened
Research & development > Nature > Specialist work > New estimate - every ninth species in Finland is threatened
Changes in snow coverage threatens biodiversity of Arctic nature
Press release | Published: 2018-10-23

Many of the plants on northern mountains depend on the snow melting late in spring and summer. Snow provides shelter from winter extreme events for plants but at the same time it limits the length of ......

Same content on several places:
Current > Changes in snow coverage threatens biodiversity of Arctic nature
Current > Press releases > Changes in snow coverage threatens biodiversity of Arctic nature
Research & development > Nature > Specialist work > Changes in snow coverage threatens biodiversity of Arctic nature
Mikko Kuussaari
Content page | Published: 2017-11-24

Senior research scientist PhD (Ecology) Contact information Email: firstname.surname@syke.fi Telephone: +358 295 251 331 Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) Nature ......

Experts > Mikko Kuussaari
The species expert groups in Finland
Content page | Published: 2022-06-13

The protection and management of species in Finland are administered by expert groups for different species and species groups. Members include researchers, environmental administration experts ...

Research & development > Nature > The species expert groups in Finland
Coastal spatial planning forms the basis for sustainable business activities
Press release | Published: 2017-06-13

The planning of coastal spatial management enables account to be taken of the effects of land-sea activities on coastal nature and local business activities. The objective of such planning is to exami......

Same content on several places:
Current > Coastal spatial planning forms the basis for sustainable business activities
Current > Press releases > Coastal spatial planning forms the basis for sustainable business activities
Research & development > Nature > Coastal spatial planning forms the basis for sustainable business activities
Research & development > Nature > Monitoring > Coastal spatial planning forms the basis for sustainable business activities
Research & development > Nature > Projects > Coastal spatial planning forms the basis for sustainable business activities
Research & development > Nature > Specialist work > Coastal spatial planning forms the basis for sustainable business activities
Wetland rehabilitation helps dwindling waterbird populations
Press release | Published: 2017-02-09

The degradation of wetlands has led to drops in the size of many waterbird populations – even in Finland, the land of a thousand lakes. A recent study proves that measures that reduce overgrowth in th......

Current > Press releases > Wetland rehabilitation helps dwindling waterbird populations
Yle's One Million Nest Boxes campaign helping birds in need
Content page | Published: 2016-03-23

At the beginning of March the Finnish Broadcasting Company Yle launched the One Million Bird Boxes campaign, which is set to introduce one million new bird boxes to Finnish trees by the end of May 201......

Yle's One Million Nest Boxes campaign helping birds in need
The endangered white-backed woodpecker can thrive in commercial forests
News | Published: 2015-06-15

UPM, WWF Finland, Finnish Environment Institute and Metsähallitus Parks & Wildlife Finland have carried through a joint project to promote the living conditions of the endangered white-backed woodpec......

Same content on several places:
Current > News > The endangered white-backed woodpecker can thrive in commercial forests
Research & development > Nature > The endangered white-backed woodpecker can thrive in commercial forests
Recognition of ecosystem services promotes their sustainable use and protection
Press release | Published: 2015-01-27

The final report of the project ‘National Assessment of the Economics of Ecosystem Services in Finland’ (TEEB for Finland) was presented to the Minister of the Environment, Sanni Grahn-Laasonen. Accor......

Same content on several places:
Current > Press releases > Recognition of ecosystem services promotes their sustainable use and protection
Research & development > Nature > Recognition of ecosystem services promotes their sustainable use and protection
Research & development > Nature > Specialist work > Recognition of ecosystem services promotes their sustainable use and protection
Threatened forest species
Content page | Published: 2013-05-02

Critically endangered Buxbaumia viridis © Terhi Ryttäri SYKE has the responsibility to manage and update a database of threatened species’ occurrences in Finland. SYKE and Forestry De...

Research & development > Nature > Specialist work > METSO Programme > Threatened forest species
Coordination of METSO research
Content page | Published: 2013-05-02

Wilderness at Kirkkonummi © Jouko Lehmuskallio Ministry of the Environment (MoE) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MoAF) are funding research and development projects supporti...

Research & development > Nature > Specialist work > METSO Programme > Coordination of METSO research
Specialist work
Content page | Published: 2024-06-26

Researchers are often needed to identify solutions and to assess various alternatives in support of decision-making in society. Finnish Envrironment Institute (Syke) carries out a large number of spe...

Research & development > Nature > Specialist work