METSO Programme
Content page | Published: 2016-06-16

Aspen ( Populus tremula ) in autumn foliage © Marja-Leena Nenonen The Forest Biodiversity Programme METSO is based on voluntary forest conservation and management. The programme started...

Research & development > Nature > Specialist work > METSO Programme
Pekka Punttila
Content page | Published: 2023-02-09

Senior research scientist   PhD (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology) Contact information +358 295 251 523 Finnish Environment Institu......

Experts > Pekka Punttila
Finnish Environment Institute coordinates a UN Science Summit session on standardising the use of eDNA methods in biological monitoring
News | Published: 2022-09-07

The observed global loss of biodiversity has severe implications for human wellbeing and compounds the negative aspects of global climate change. Data from biological monitoring is the primary source ......

Same content on several places:
Current > Finnish Environment Institute coordinates a UN Science Summit session on standardising the use of eDNA methods in biological monitoring
Current > News > Finnish Environment Institute coordinates a UN Science Summit session on standardising the use of eDNA methods in biological monitoring
Bringing nature back – biodiversity-friendly nature-based solutions in cities (BiNatUr)
Project | Published: 2022-09-06

Nature-based solutions as part of climate smart cities Climate change has significant effects on water quantity, quality and seasonal variation in cities. It increases the risk of flooding ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Bringing nature back – biodiversity-friendly nature-based solutions in cities (BiNatUr)
Study: Finland has some readiness for implementation of EU biodiversity strategy
Press release | Published: 2021-06-23

“Impacts of EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 for Finland” is a study by the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) and the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), which produced background informat......

Same content on several places:
Current > Press releases > Study: Finland has some readiness for implementation of EU biodiversity strategy
Current > Study: Finland has some readiness for implementation of EU biodiversity strategy
Research & development > Nature > Monitoring > Study: Finland has some readiness for implementation of EU biodiversity strategy
Research & development > Nature > Specialist work > Study: Finland has some readiness for implementation of EU biodiversity strategy
Research & development > Nature > Study: Finland has some readiness for implementation of EU biodiversity strategy
Heidi Lehtiniemi
Content page | Published: 2021-03-01

Researcher M.Sc. Sustainability science, University of Helsinki Doctoral candidate, University of Helsinki   Contact information E-mail: Te......

Experts > Heidi Lehtiniemi
Minna Pekkonen
Content page | Published: 2021-02-01

Senior researcher, development manager PhD, ecology and evolutionary biology, University of Helsinki Contact information E-mail: Phone: 0295 251 7......

Experts > Minna Pekkonen
Ninni Mikkonen
Content page | Published: 2020-09-14

Coordinator, MS, Ecology Doctoral Researcher, Department of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki Tel. +358 295 251 890 /......

Experts > Ninni Mikkonen
Assessment of threatened habitat types in Finland 2018: The status of natural habitats continues to deteriorate
Press release | Published: 2018-12-18

The threat status of habitat types in Finland was evaluated for the second time. Almost half (48%) of the nearly 400 habitat types across the country were assessed to be threatened. In southern Finlan......

Same content on several places:
Current > Assessment of threatened habitat types in Finland 2018: The status of natural habitats continues to deteriorate
Current > Press releases > Assessment of threatened habitat types in Finland 2018: The status of natural habitats continues to deteriorate
Research & development > Nature > Monitoring > Assessment of threatened habitat types in Finland 2018: The status of natural habitats continues to deteriorate
Research & development > Nature > Specialist work > Assessment of threatened habitat types in Finland 2018: The status of natural habitats continues to deteriorate
Zonation in Finland
Content page | Published: 2022-06-13

For more information concerning the Zonation, please, visit the page “Zonation software”. Zonation software supports more sustainable decision-making in conservation and land-use planning in F...

Research & development > Nature > Specialist work > Zonation in Finland
Project | Published: 2018-04-17

    InnoForESt analyses and fosters initiatives and networks in six case study regions in Europe, with an aim to explore potentials for the development of policy inst...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Innoforest
Ecosystem hotel
Project | Published: 2017-08-10

Intensive land use can diminish nature values, threaten the long term survival of species and even undermine the functioning of entire ecosystems. With increasing pressure to use land for human needs...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Ecosystem hotel
Saija Kuusela
Content page | Published: 2017-05-08

Project manager, PhD (Ecology and evolutionary biology) Email: Telephone: 0295 252 361 Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) Nature solutions Protected ......

Experts > Saija Kuusela
Habitat Bank
Project | Published: 2016-06-30

The Habitat Bank of Finland, originating in a Helsinki Challenge awarded idea "Biodiversity NOW!", is an umbrella project analysing, developing and piloting the principles of e...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Habitat Bank
Wetland rehabilitation helps dwindling waterbird populations
Press release | Published: 2017-02-09

The degradation of wetlands has led to drops in the size of many waterbird populations – even in Finland, the land of a thousand lakes. A recent study proves that measures that reduce overgrowth in th......

Current > Press releases > Wetland rehabilitation helps dwindling waterbird populations
Recognition of ecosystem services promotes their sustainable use and protection
Press release | Published: 2015-01-27

The final report of the project ‘National Assessment of the Economics of Ecosystem Services in Finland’ (TEEB for Finland) was presented to the Minister of the Environment, Sanni Grahn-Laasonen. Accor......

Same content on several places:
Current > Press releases > Recognition of ecosystem services promotes their sustainable use and protection
Research & development > Nature > Recognition of ecosystem services promotes their sustainable use and protection
Research & development > Nature > Specialist work > Recognition of ecosystem services promotes their sustainable use and protection
Expertise on nature management
Content page | Published: 2013-05-02

Forest management with fire © Tapio Heikkilä People working at the Biodiversity Centre of SYKE have a long history in research and development of nature management and restoration techn...

Research & development > Nature > Specialist work > METSO Programme > Expertise on nature management