Jáchym Judl and Suvi Lehtoranta: The EU Environmental Footprint – why to care?

It is time to start paying attention to the EU Environmental Footprint as it has a potential of becoming the only acceptable way to substantiate environmental claims of products and services on the co......

Current > Ratkaisuja-blogi > Jáchym Judl and Suvi Lehtoranta: The EU Environmental Footprint – why to care?
Suvi Sojamo
Content page | Published: 2020-11-05

Leading researcher...

Experts > Suvi Sojamo
Circular Economy and product policy instruments (KITUPO)
Project | Published: 2020-05-25

Many targets have been set for the circular economy including reductions in the use of natural resources, keeping products in the cycles for as long as it is environmentally arguable and recycling ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Circular Economy and product policy instruments (KITUPO)
New methods of environmental footprints can be a game changer for companies
Press release | Published: 2018-09-21

New methods for calculation of the environmental footprint open possibilities for businesses to document and communicate their environmental performance in a more simplified and verifiable way. With t......

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Current > New methods of environmental footprints can be a game changer for companies
Current > Press releases > New methods of environmental footprints can be a game changer for companies
Research & development > Consumption and production > New methods of environmental footprints can be a game changer for companies