Project | Published: 2024-04-09

The overall objective of this Horizon Europe funded project is to integrate and enhance existing observation efforts –including in-situ, satellite, modelling and citizen science – to better study the...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > LandSeaLot
Improving capacity for SDG Monitoring with Earth Observation (EOSDG)
Project | Published: 2024-03-15

  In Finland, reporting responsibilities of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals indicators of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development have been delegated to several ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Improving capacity for SDG Monitoring with Earth Observation (EOSDG)
Validation of High Resolution Water, Snow, and Ice (HR-WSI)
Project | Published: 2023-10-03

Figure 1. Satellite image of Lake Näsijärvi in full ice cover in February 2023. Objectives  Exploiting the full potential of Copernicus (European Earth observation programme) da...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Validation of High Resolution Water, Snow, and Ice (HR-WSI)
Tailored downstream applications/products–from Copernicus to coastal and inland water monitoring
Project | Published: 2023-05-17

EU’s directives, such as the Water Framework Directive (WFD) set requirements for the participating countries to monitor coastal and lakes areas with high frequency and coverage. The overarching obje...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Tailored downstream applications/products–from Copernicus to coastal and inland water monitoring
Sampsa Koponen
Content page | Published: 2023-04-06

Senior Research Scientist, Development manager D.Sc. (Tech, space technology, Helsinki University of Technology) Contact information Email: Phone:......

Experts > Sampsa Koponen
Publication and crowdsourcing analysis of phenomena of interest in EO products (EO-Crowd)
Project | Published: 2021-06-22

  FPCUP EO-Crowd – Publication and Crowdsourcing Analysis of Phenomena of Interest in EO Products FPCUP EO-Crowd project aims at supporting innovation in businesses and start-ups by ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Publication and crowdsourcing analysis of phenomena of interest in EO products (EO-Crowd)
Copernicus Assisted Lake Water Quality Emergency Monitoring Service (WQeMS)
Project | Published: 2021-03-19

The objective of this Horizon 2020 project is to provide an operational Water Quality Emergency Monitoring Service to the water utilities industry in relation with the quality of the ‘water we drink’...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Copernicus Assisted Lake Water Quality Emergency Monitoring Service (WQeMS)
Snow Cover/Extent Demonstrator from optical Sensors (SEDOS)
Project | Published: 2021-01-25

The objective of SEDOS is to develop, implement and validate snow cover/extent product and the prototype system for their production covering Europe, as a preparative actin for the future EUMETSAT ME...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Snow Cover/Extent Demonstrator from optical Sensors (SEDOS)
Algal rafts, water temperature, ice extent – Finnish Environment Institute is a European forerunner in the use of satellites
Press release | Published: 2020-07-24

The Finnish Environment Institute SYKE monitors the state of the environment with the help of satellite technology and is a European forerunner in the efficient use of satellites. The TARKKA service, ......

Same content on several places:
Current > Algal rafts, water temperature, ice extent – Finnish Environment Institute is a European forerunner in the use of satellites
Current > Press releases > Algal rafts, water temperature, ice extent – Finnish Environment Institute is a European forerunner in the use of satellites
Open information > > Algal rafts, water temperature, ice extent – Finnish Environment Institute is a European forerunner in the use of satellites
Research & development > Sea > Algal rafts, water temperature, ice extent – Finnish Environment Institute is a European forerunner in the use of satellites
Research & development > Water > Algal rafts, water temperature, ice extent – Finnish Environment Institute is a European forerunner in the use of satellites
Significant funding for a new Finnish Ecosystem Observatory
Press release | Published: 2020-05-29

The state of biodiversity and ecosystems has deteriorated both in Finland and globally. Planning and implementing effective corrective measures requires more comprehensive and up-to-date information a......

Same content on several places:
Current > Press releases > Significant funding for a new Finnish Ecosystem Observatory
Current > Significant funding for a new Finnish Ecosystem Observatory
Research & development > Nature > Monitoring > Significant funding for a new Finnish Ecosystem Observatory
Research & development > Nature > Significant funding for a new Finnish Ecosystem Observatory
Research & development > Nature > Specialist work > Significant funding for a new Finnish Ecosystem Observatory
EO web map services
Content page | Published: 2019-10-15

Finnish Environment Institute's (Syke) Earth Observation (EO) products, based on satellite data, are available in  Tarkka service . More info WMS interfaces can be found in ...

Open information > Open web services > EO web map services
Sea-Land biogeochemical linkages (SeaLaBio)
Project | Published: 2019-03-11

The Sentinel satellites of the Copernicus programme offer an excellent opportunity for monitoring the state of the Baltic Sea. The current constellation provides daily coverage in moderate resolution...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Sea-Land biogeochemical linkages (SeaLaBio)
Big data offers new possibilities for producing environmental information
News | Published: 2018-05-09

Big data is opening up new channels for the production and utilisation of environmental information. It also offers environmental officials new possibilities to work together with citizens, business a......

Same content on several places:
Current > Big data offers new possibilities for producing environmental information
Current > News > Big data offers new possibilities for producing environmental information
Project | Published: 2018-02-16

Oceanographic and marine data are collected by over a thousand research institutes, governmental organisations and private companies in the countries bordering the European seas. Various heterogeneou...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > SEADATACLOUD
Water quality detection using Sentinel and Landsat satellite series on Finnish lakes and coastal waters/Baltic Sea (VESISEN)
Project | Published: 2017-10-12

Sentinel 2 satellite image from 27.8.2016 the west coast of Finland. ESA Sentinel program, prosessed by SYKE. Water quality detection using Sentinel and Landsat satellite series on Finnish lakes and coastal waters/Baltic Sea (VESISEN)

Producing land cover and land use data in CORINE Land Cover 2018 project in Finland
Project | Published: 2017-07-27

Finnish Corine Land Cover 2018-project produce a satellite image mosaic, both raster and vector land cover databases and land cover changes databases. Databases will represent the land cover of the y...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Producing land cover and land use data in CORINE Land Cover 2018 project in Finland
Open information
Content page | Published: 2016-11-03

Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) produces open data and information for an ecologically, economically and socially sustainable society. Syke’s open data includes versatile information on water re...

Open information
Project | Published: 2015-01-07

Further information Development Manager Yrjö Sucksdorff , SYKE, tel. +358 295 251 659, Senior Research Scientis...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Envibase
Satellite observations
Content page | Published: 2016-02-02

Products based on satellite observations are produced in the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) in order to monitor environmental changes. These datasets include: surface temperature, algal blooms,...

Open information > Satellite observations