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Jonne Hytönen
Content page | Published: 2024-08-30

Senior Researcher Doctor of Philosophy (human geography: regional policy and regional development, Master of Social Sciences (environmental policy and law)  Contact information ......

Experts > Jonne Hytönen
Increasing Climate Resilience of Zanzibar with Integrated Marine Management and Sustainable Blue Economy (BLUE-ZAN)
Project | Published: 2024-01-10

Increasing Climate Resilience of Zanzibar with Integrated Marine Management and Sustainable Blue Economy (BLUE-ZAN) builds on the institutional partnerships and results achieved within the earlier IC...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Increasing Climate Resilience of Zanzibar with Integrated Marine Management and Sustainable Blue Economy (BLUE-ZAN)
The GSGF in Finland — Integration of geospatial and statistical information in Finland (GSFI)
Project | Published: 2023-04-21

The GSGF in Finland — Integration of geospatial and statistical information in Finland (GSFI) project takes the next step after the GEOSTAT 4 project by adapting the GSGF Europe to the Finnish contex...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > The GSGF in Finland — Integration of geospatial and statistical information in Finland (GSFI)
Bringing nature back – biodiversity-friendly nature-based solutions in cities (BiNatUr)
Project | Published: 2022-09-06

Nature-based solutions as part of climate smart cities Climate change has significant effects on water quantity, quality and seasonal variation in cities. It increases the risk of flooding ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Bringing nature back – biodiversity-friendly nature-based solutions in cities (BiNatUr)
New research shows areas where offshore wind power can be built without major damage to marine nature
Press release | Published: 2022-01-21

Areas suitable for offshore wind power have been mapped in a new study. In the best areas, the production of wind energy is profitable, but the disadvantages for both people and marine nature remain s......

Same content on several places:
Current > New research shows areas where offshore wind power can be built without major damage to marine nature
Current > Press releases > New research shows areas where offshore wind power can be built without major damage to marine nature
Research & development > New research shows areas where offshore wind power can be built without major damage to marine nature
Research & development > Sea > New research shows areas where offshore wind power can be built without major damage to marine nature
Research & development > Sea > Sustainable use of marine areas > New research shows areas where offshore wind power can be built without major damage to marine nature
Spatial information and residents' experiences for development of comfortable living environments
Project | Published: 2020-11-25

Research topics We focus on the accessibility to green and water areas within suburbs and their socio-economic variation between suburbs, as well as their role in supporting wellbeing....

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Spatial information and residents' experiences for development of comfortable living environments
Content page | Published: 2019-04-12

  Summarizing publications Recommendations for maritime spatial planning for sustainable blue economies (pdf) Newsletter 4 In English  (pdf) and  In E...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Maritime Spatial Planning for Sustainable Blue Economies (PLAN4BLUE) > Publications
Kati Vierikko
Content page | Published: 2019-10-29

Senior research scientist, group manager Docent (urban ecology) PhD (environmental sciences) M.sc. (systematic botany) Contact information Email: first name.last name@syke.f......

Experts > Kati Vierikko
Urban and regional planning with the young generation - URGENT
Project | Published: 2019-09-30

  CURRENT Recent articles:  Oinonen, I. & Paloniemi, R. 2024. Understanding and measuring young people’s sustainability actions . Journal of Enviro...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Urban and regional planning with the young generation - URGENT
International Marine Ecosystem Accounting Workshop 10 October 2019
Event | Event starts: 2019-10-10

This workshop is a unique opportunity to learn how Natural Capital Accounting could support various marine policies. ...

Current > Events > International Marine Ecosystem Accounting Workshop 10 October 2019
Events and meetings
Content page | Published: 2017-02-20

  Step 1. Stocktaking, October 2016 – March 2017   Kick-off meeting / December 2016 (Helsinki, Finland). Kick-off program...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Maritime Spatial Planning for Sustainable Blue Economies (PLAN4BLUE) > Events and meetings
Problem solving in Zanzibar with the expertise of the Finnish Environment Institute
News | Published: 2019-07-02

Underwater nature of Zanzibar, Tanzania, is spectacular with its coral reefs, seagrass meadows and mangrove forests. Marine life is however facing severe threats as coastal zone is affected by increas......

Same content on several places:
Current > News > Problem solving in Zanzibar with the expertise of the Finnish Environment Institute
Current > Problem solving in Zanzibar with the expertise of the Finnish Environment Institute
Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > National Spatial Data Infrastructure for Integrated Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning (ZAN-SDI) > Problem solving in Zanzibar with the expertise of the Finnish Environment Institute
Research & development > Sea > Problem solving in Zanzibar with the expertise of the Finnish Environment Institute
Content page | Published: 2018-10-02

  Newsletter 4 in September 2019 (pdf): In English /  In Estonian Newsletter 3 in June 2019 (pdf): In English /  In Estonian Newsletter 2...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Maritime Spatial Planning for Sustainable Blue Economies (PLAN4BLUE) > Publications > Newsletters
Blue economy and economic analysis
Content page | Published: 2019-06-20

Final conference 4–5 June 2019 Riitta Pöntynen, University of Turku "In the first session on blue economy and economic analysis, we focused on the drivers and the alternative future ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Maritime Spatial Planning for Sustainable Blue Economies (PLAN4BLUE) > Events and meetings > Final conference > Blue economy and economic analysis
Cross-border collaboration in MSP
Content page | Published: 2019-06-20

Final conference 4–5 June 2019 Riku Varjopuro, Finnish Environment Institute “In the two sessions on cross-border collaboration we focussed especially in thinking of the next step...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Maritime Spatial Planning for Sustainable Blue Economies (PLAN4BLUE) > Events and meetings > Final conference > Cross-border collaboration in MSP
Ecosystem-based approach to MSP
Content page | Published: 2019-06-20

Final conference 4–5 June 2019 Robert Aps, Estonian Marine Institute "During the session of “Ecosystem-based approach to MSP“ we discussed how ecosystem components should be taken in...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Maritime Spatial Planning for Sustainable Blue Economies (PLAN4BLUE) > Events and meetings > Final conference > Ecosystem-based approach to MSP
Final conference
Content page | Published: 2019-07-09

Final conference 4–5 June 2019 Conference programme (pdf, 1 MB) Remarks of Riku Varjopuro, project leader from Finnish Environment institute Riku Varjopuro, Finnish Environment I...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Maritime Spatial Planning for Sustainable Blue Economies (PLAN4BLUE) > Events and meetings > Final conference
Spatial analysis of socioeconomic-environmental interactions
Content page | Published: 2019-06-20

Final conference 4–5 June 2019 Harri Tolvanen, University of Turku “We discussed recent progress and future prospects for GIS in MSP. The session focused on knowledge creation by par...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Maritime Spatial Planning for Sustainable Blue Economies (PLAN4BLUE) > Events and meetings > Final conference > Spatial analysis of socioeconomic-environmental interactions
Maritime Spatial Planning for Sustainable Blue Economies (PLAN4BLUE)
Project | Published: 2017-04-04

Summarizing publications Plan4Blue on Twitter #Plan4Blue Recommendations for maritime spatial planning for sustainable blue economies (pdf, September 2019) Newsletter ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Maritime Spatial Planning for Sustainable Blue Economies (PLAN4BLUE)
Sinimajanduse alternatiivsed stsenaariumid Soome lahes ja Saaristomeres
Content page | Published: 2019-04-17

Kas me soovime muuta seda, kuidas merealasid praegu ja tulevikus kasutatakse? Projekt Plan4Blue esitleb nelja stsenaariumit, kuidas meie valikud mõjutavad inimesi ja mereloodust Soome lahes ja Sa......

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Maritime Spatial Planning for Sustainable Blue Economies (PLAN4BLUE) > Scenarios > Sinimajanduse alternatiivsed stsenaariumid Soome lahes ja Saaristomeres

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