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Banks of fluorinated greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances
Project | Published: 2024-09-20

The study estimated the amounts of ozone depleting substances and climate- warming F-gases in used and decommisioned appliances and structures, i.e. ”gas banks”, as well as the emissions from them. ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Banks of fluorinated greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances
Urban circular economy in practice by managing the recovery of critical metals in micro-e-mobility: Technical solutions and governance implications (UC-Mobility)
Project | Published: 2023-05-26

During this project, Finnish Environment Institute will assess the environmental impacts of the new process technology as well as the wider system-level impacts of micro-mobility in cities. The proje...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Urban circular economy in practice by managing the recovery of critical metals in micro-e-mobility: Technical solutions and governance implications (UC-Mobility)
Suvi Lehtoranta and Annika Johansson: Science, art and architecture come together at the Venice Architecture Biennale

Science, art and architecture come together at the Venice Architecture Biennale. The Finnish pavilion brings water consumption and nutrient recycling into the international architectural debate for th......

Current > Ratkaisuja-blogi > Suvi Lehtoranta and Annika Johansson: Science, art and architecture come together at the Venice Architecture Biennale
Milja Räisänen
Content page | Published: 2022-12-15

Researcher M.Sc. (Geology) Email: milja.raisanen@syke.fi Phone: +358 29 5252 085 Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) Circular economy solutions Policy and consumption Latokart......

Experts > Milja Räisänen
The recycling of household waste has become more efficient in many municipal areas in Finland
Press release | Published: 2022-12-15

The recycling rate of household waste has increased in almost all municipal areas that have been monitored in the period 2016–2021 (some of the municipalities have been monitored from 2018–2021). The ......

Same content on several places:
Current > Press releases > The recycling of household waste has become more efficient in many municipal areas in Finland
Current > The recycling of household waste has become more efficient in many municipal areas in Finland
Research & development > Circular economy > The recycling of household waste has become more efficient in many municipal areas in Finland
Research & development > Consumption and production > The recycling of household waste has become more efficient in many municipal areas in Finland
Digital monitoring of reuse and waste prevention in the Nordics!
Event | Event starts: 2022-10-12

The Nordic countries are all facing similar challenges in taking on the circular transition our societies must go through. There is a need for sharing of current developments, practices, and approache......

Current > Events > Digital monitoring of reuse and waste prevention in the Nordics!
PlastLIFE SIP – Re-thinking plastics in a sustainable circular economy
Project | Published: 2022-09-08

PlastLIFE  SIP – Re-thinking plastics in a sustainable circular economy project promotes the implementation of the Plastics Roadmap for Finland (PRfF) during seven years, 2023–2029. The ultimate...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > PlastLIFE SIP – Re-thinking plastics in a sustainable circular economy
Sorting of household waste in rural areas improved in North Karelia
Press release | Published: 2022-05-12

The raising of awareness, resident cooperation and improvement of waste management infrastructure have improved waste sorting and reduced the amount of mixed waste in villages in North Karelia. ...

Same content on several places:
Current > Press releases > Sorting of household waste in rural areas improved in North Karelia
Current > Sorting of household waste in rural areas improved in North Karelia
Research & development > Circular economy > Sorting of household waste in rural areas improved in North Karelia
Research & development > Consumption and production > Sorting of household waste in rural areas improved in North Karelia
Household waste turns into new raw materials
Press release | Published: 2021-12-21

The WasteLess Karelias project, funded by the Karelia CBC programme, revealed that all plastic, glass, cardboard and metal waste sorted in Juuka is treated either in Finland or abroad. Recycling produ......

Same content on several places:
Current > Household waste turns into new raw materials
Current > Press releases > Household waste turns into new raw materials
Research & development > Circular economy > Household waste turns into new raw materials
Research & development > Consumption and production > Household waste turns into new raw materials
Ceramic Demolition Waste in Circular Economy
Project | Published: 2021-10-08

                  Recycling and reuse of ceramic waste is a way forward into a circular e...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Ceramic Demolition Waste in Circular Economy
Northern marine litter – developing research and stakeholder cooperation in the Baltic Sea and the Arctic (POMERO)
Project | Published: 2021-10-11

The POMERO project investigates the occurrence and effects of marine litter in the Baltic Sea and the Arctic region, and strengthens international cooperation, networking and the participation of Fin...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Northern marine litter – developing research and stakeholder cooperation in the Baltic Sea and the Arctic (POMERO)
CircVol 2 6Aika project: Utilization of high-volume side streams and masses of soil in cities
Project | Published: 2021-10-01

  Objectives The project encourages reusing and utilizing recycled materials in civil and urban construction. The aim is to save valuable and finite natural resources and to red...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > CircVol 2 6Aika project: Utilization of high-volume side streams and masses of soil in cities
Actions to reduce pharmaceutical emissions in the Baltic Sea region
Press release | Published: 2021-06-21

Since 2017 CWPharma project has worked to gather and produce data on the consumption of pharmaceuticals and their concentrations in the environment, to identify the most problematic compounds and to f......

Same content on several places:
Current > Actions to reduce pharmaceutical emissions in the Baltic Sea region
Current > Press releases > Actions to reduce pharmaceutical emissions in the Baltic Sea region
Research & development > Actions to reduce pharmaceutical emissions in the Baltic Sea region
Research & development > Consumption and production > Actions to reduce pharmaceutical emissions in the Baltic Sea region
Research & development > Sea > Actions to reduce pharmaceutical emissions in the Baltic Sea region
Developing pilot accounts for marine, freshwater and urban ecosystems and packaging materials (ENVECOPACK)
Project | Published: 2021-03-18

Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) report to Statistics Finland for provisioning of various material, environmental and ecosystem accounts in Finland....

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Developing pilot accounts for marine, freshwater and urban ecosystems and packaging materials (ENVECOPACK)
The Baltic Sea region’s waste management for unused medicines must be improved
Press release | Published: 2020-09-03

CWPharma, a project funded by the EU’s Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme, has evaluated national-level practices for take-back and disposal of unused medicines and other pharmaceutical waste, for b......

Same content on several places:
Current > Press releases > The Baltic Sea region’s waste management for unused medicines must be improved
Current > The Baltic Sea region’s waste management for unused medicines must be improved
Research & development > Consumption and production > The Baltic Sea region’s waste management for unused medicines must be improved
Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Clear waters from pharmaceuticals – CWPharma > The Baltic Sea region’s waste management for unused medicines must be improved
Research & development > Research and development projects > The Baltic Sea region’s waste management for unused medicines must be improved
Efficient waste water treatment processes can help reduce the pharmaceutical load released into the environment
Press release | Published: 2020-07-06

The load of active pharmaceutical ingredients released into the environment can be reduced by treating waste water at primary sources, such as hospitals, healthcare institutes, households and pharmace......

Same content on several places:
Current > Efficient waste water treatment processes can help reduce the pharmaceutical load released into the environment
Current > Press releases > Efficient waste water treatment processes can help reduce the pharmaceutical load released into the environment
Research & development > Consumption and production > Efficient waste water treatment processes can help reduce the pharmaceutical load released into the environment
Research & development > Water > Efficient waste water treatment processes can help reduce the pharmaceutical load released into the environment
Novel methods for the accounting of forest ecosystems and circular materials (ENVECO)
Project | Published: 2021-12-10

ENVECO is a one-year project financed by Eurostat grants led by Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) in partnership with Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke). The first aim of the project is to...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Novel methods for the accounting of forest ecosystems and circular materials (ENVECO)
Helena Dahlbo
Content page | Published: 2019-09-06

Senior Research Scientist, D.Sc. (Tech.) Email: firstname.lastname@syke.fi Telephone: + 358 29 525 1095 Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) Circular economy solutions Waste Add......

Experts > Helena Dahlbo
SYKE Policy Brief: Environmental drug load can be reduced
News | Published: 2019-05-23

As the use of pharmaceuticals increases, increasing amounts of drug residues end up in sewage treatment plants. Environmental drug load can be reduced by introducing more advanced treatment method and......

Same content on several places:
Current > News > SYKE Policy Brief: Environmental drug load can be reduced
Current > SYKE Policy Brief: Environmental drug load can be reduced
Research & development > Consumption and production > SYKE Policy Brief: Environmental drug load can be reduced
Turn the tap on
Project | Published: 2019-04-26

Photo: Visit Finland Promoting Nordic tap water "Turn the tap on - Rent vatten från kranen" campaign is launched to promote and educate tourists and locals about pure tap water ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Turn the tap on

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