Indigenous Knowledge and Arctic Forests (IK Forest)


Indigenous Knowledge and Arctic Forests (IKForest) project aims to identify, map, and promote forest conservation and restoration practices that are informed by Indigenous Knowledge and in line with the human rights of Indigenous Peoples. The project’s goal is to inform just and ethical implementation of conservation and restoration planning in Arctic Indigenous lands.

The project promotes the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework in the Arctic region, in line with the goals of the Article 8 (j) of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity regarding traditional knowledge of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities. The results will serve the Arctic states, nature protection authorities, Indigenous Peoples, and platforms for cooperation in the Arctic.

More information

  • Project manager Aino Lipsanen,
  • Senior ministerial adviser (Ministry of the Environment) Lotta Manninen,


IK Forest Copyright
© Photo: Luonnonmetsät Sapmi
Published 2024-04-25 at 16:42, updated 2024-08-13 at 14:32

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