Knowledge co-production in science-intensive environmental disputes (JOINED)

The importance of broadening the process of knowledge production to a diversity of participants and perspectives is widely recognized in sustainability studies addressing complex and contentious social-environmental problems. Yet the practical ways to engage various knowledge communities and ways of knowing in concrete policy processes need further examination, especially when addressing social-ecological problems characterized by factual disagreements and scientific uncertainty.

JOINED will map out diverse knowledge co-production strategies, including joint fact-finding and deliberative mini-publics, and test their application to science-intensive environmental disputes. We will address the capacity of these approaches to accommodate local and/or practice place-based knowledge and create shared knowledge base among experts, stakeholders, and citizens. The first case study focused on the potential of joint fact finding in the cormorant-fishing conflict in Finland (Saarikoski et al.).

Current action

Public seminar on knowledge co-production in contested environmental questions on Tuesday, Oct 8th, at 13-15, in Tiedekulma, Fönster.

13:00 Welcome and introductions (Dr Heli Saarikoski, Finnish E nvironment Institute)

13:10 How to address diverse interests and expectations in transdisciplinary projects (Prof Christian Pohl, ETH Zürich, Department of Environmental Systems Science)

13:40 Just knowledge (Dr David Laws, University of Amsterdam)

14:10 Commentary (Prof Susan Owens, Cambridge University)

14:30 Questions and discussions

15:00 End of the seminar

More information

Heli Saarikoski
Leading researcher
Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)

Published 2024-09-13 at 12:15, updated 2024-09-13 at 12:15