Water security for the planet (Water4All)

Logo of the Water4All project



Project funding available

Water4All has launched a joint transnational call for research and innovation projects on “Water for Circular Economy” on 12 September 2024. More information: 
Water4All 2024 Joint Transnational Call Pre-announcement / Water for Circular Economy

Publication of Living Labs
Atlas of Water-Oriented Living Labs was published on 24 April 2024. It includes also four Finnish water-oriented clusters.
News: The ATLAS of Water Oriented Living Labs online! 
Publication: Water4All - Atlas of Water-oriented Living Labs, 2024 (pdf)


The aim of the Water4All Partnership is at enabling water security for all in the long term through boosting systemic transformations and changes across the entire research – water innovation pipeline, fostering the matchmaking between problem owners and solution providers.

  • Provision of knowledge, methodologies and tools for supporting water management and planning whilst enhancing the inclusion of citizens in decision-making processes, their empowerment, capacity-building, accountability and transparency.  
  • Conservation, restoration, regeneration and best use of the natural functions of groundwater, surface water and dependent or associated ecosystems.  
  • Demonstration, from pilot- to full-scale, and implementation of technical and non-technical solutions.  
  • Support to European and international action plans and regulatory frameworks having an influence on water resources.  
  • Support to efficient collaboration in RDI activities.  
  • Enabling open access to water knowledge and web services. 


The entire value chain of Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) is covered via a variety of partners, as Water4All brings together a wide and cohesive group of 79 partners from 31 countries in the European Union and beyond. 

The outputs of Water4All will contribute to: 

  • Deliver sound knowledge, tools and evidence basis on water for policy- and decision-making 
  • Improve consideration of water impacts in all relevant policies 
  • Enhance the field/market use of innovative solutions to water challenges 
  • Increase the awareness and engagement of citizens for an inclusive water governance 

Project activities across 7 themes of its strategic agenda depicted in the figure 1: 

  • water for circular economy; 
  • water for ecosystems and biodiversity; 
  • sustainable water management; 
  • water and health; 
  • water infrastructure; 
  • international cooperation; 
  • water governance. 
Research themes of the project Water security for the planet (Water4All)
Figure 1. The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) will be available on Water challenges for a changing world (WaterJPI)

Research goals

Proposed portfolio of multi-national and cross-sectoral activities targets a variety of actors and intending to generate the following outputs: 

  • Strengthening the water Research and Innovation (R&I) collaboration at the European and international levels, notably through 6 Joint Transnational Calls 
  • Coordinating and leveraging the activities of the Water R&I community 
  • Supporting and promoting demonstration and access to the market of innovative solutions 
  • Producing, sharing and better communicating water-related knowledge & data, from local to global scales 
  • Enhancing talent development of water R&I professionals 
  • Fostering capacity development and life-long training of water policy-makers, stakeholders and the civil society 
  • Designing and implementing approaches for participatory development of innovation 

Project Pillars 

Finnish Environment Institute is involved with pillars A, C, D and E. 

  • Pillar A: Water4All’s Joint Vision and Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) 
  • Pillar B: Developing new knowledge and innovative solutions for a systemic and inclusive approach of water challenges at an operational scale 
  • Pillar C: Science Policy – Policy – End-Users interface 
  • Pillar D: Demonstration activities 
  • Pillar E: Internationalisation 


Short-term impacts:

  • Strengthen water RDI collaboration at European and international levels.  
  • Coordinate and leverage the activities of the water RDI community.  
  • Support and promote the demonstration and access to market of innovative solutions.  
  • Produce, share and better communicate and disseminate water-related knowledge and data.  
  • Enhance talent development of water RDI professionals.  
  • Foster capacity development of water policy-makers, stakeholders and civil society.  
  • Enable participatory development of innovation. 

Mid-term impacts:  

  • Deliver sound knowledge, tools and evidence basis on water for policy- and decision-making.  
  • Improve consideration of water impacts in all relevant policies.  
  • Enhance the field/market use of innovative solutions to water challenges.  
  • Increase citizens’ awareness and engagement for an inclusive water governance.  

Long-term impacts:

  • Populations have improved access to water to meet basic needs and safeguard health and well-being.  
  • Adequate water supplies are available for food and energy production, agriculture, industry, transport, tourism.  
  • Ecosystems are preserved and restored and can better deliver their services, on which both nature and people can rely, including the provision of freshwater.  
  • Populations are more resilient to global changes and water-related hazards, including floods, droughts, pollution.  

Joint calls (2022–2028, 6 calls):
First Water4All 2022 Joint Call was open, each country decides participation. 

Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA):
SRIA for water is regularly updated with stakeholders. First update is expected 2023. Drafts are available in the project pages Water security for the planet (Water4All) and also Water challenges for a changing world (WaterJPI).



Additional information 

Senior Research Scientist Jari Silander, tel. +358 295 251 638, firstname.surname@syke.fi 

Funded by the EU -logo
Published 2024-09-12 at 16:25, updated 2024-09-13 at 9:49

Target group: